Momar Seck
October 28th - March 15th, 2023

Environment 2.0
We invite you to the opening of Environment 2.0 the second exhibition at Ngala Contemporary African Art Space. This is a solo exhibition featuring the latest work by Momar Seck. Seck works across two media, painting and sculpture. Using mixed media on canvas Seck composes beautiful natural landscapes using wax print fabric from west Africa. This exhibition also features a selection of Seck’s latest sculptures, part of which was featured at the 14th Dakar Biennale, 2022. His inspiration comes from nature and his concern for the changing climate.
Born 1969 in Dakar, Seck studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Education Artistique de Dakar and took his Ph.D from Université Marc Bloch de Strassbourg, France.
He currently lives in in Dakar where he is teaching at the Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Education Artistique de Dakar.